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Volunteering with ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services

Thank you for your interest in ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services. We are committed to offering quality experience to volunteers who want to support our work  and to develop their own skills and expertise in a relevant area. Potential volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds and are interested in different aspects of our work.

Volunteering Options

  • Some volunteers support us with our many fundraising events throughout the year
  • Some come from the social service/care sector and are interested in developing their professional skills by working directly with the women and/or children
  • Some offer practical skills and expertise and want to contribute to the running of the organisation or the refuge
  • Some bring specific administrative or IT skills and want to work in areas such as fundraising, administration or awareness raising   

Whatever role you play, we welcome the enthusiasm, energy and expertise that you bring and we want to maximise the benefits of your participation – benefits to you, to ADAPT and to the women and children who use our services.


Volunteering and Social Welfare Payments


According to the Department of Social Protection you may volunteer if you are receiving the following payments:

  • Job Seekers Allowance
  • Job Seekers Benefit
  • Illness benefit or disability benefit
  • Disability Allowance
  • Invalidity Pension
  • Blind Persons Pension

Please log on to the Department of Social Protection or call them at 1890 66 22 44 for information about the conditions that apply to the various payments.


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