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About the Refuge

What do I do if I need refuge?

You can ring the helpline and talk to a support worker who will help you think through what you want to do. If you need refuge she will help you work out how to get away safely and come to the refuge.


How long can I stay in the refuge?

The length of time a woman stays in refuge depends on her situation. Some women will stay for just a few days while others may stay for weeks or longer, particularly if they have left the relationship


Can I use the refuge more than once?

Each woman is different, as is her situation. Some women are very clear what they want to do and need refuge only once. Other women make decisions one step at a time and may need refuge a number of times especially if things do not work out as they had hoped. We encourage each woman to decide what is best for her. If that means she needs refuge a number of times we will support her in that decision.


What happens if I have no money?

Food and toiletries are provided for each family when they come to the refuge. We will also work with you to help you sort out your finances and to get any payments to which you are entitled. 


Will I pay rent?

Yes, a nominal rent and deposit is paid weekly.


Can I get refuge in ADAPT if I am not from the Mid-West?

Our priority is your safety and we work with refuges across the country to help women to be safe. Women from outside the Mid-West sometimes need to come to ADAPT to be safe. Women from the Mid-West sometimes need to go outside the Mid-West to be safe. If you need refuge we will help you find refuge in a location that is safe for you.


Can teenage boys stay in the refuge?

All children and young people are welcome in the refuge up to the age of 18 years.