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Community Outreach

What is Community Outreach?

Community Outreach is a service for women who do not want or need refuge at this time. Our outreach service gives women the opportunity to speak confidentially with a support worker about her experience of domestic abuse. We often support women who remain in their relationship and who want support to improve their overall wellbeing and safety. Support workers can meet women in various safe places throughout Limerick City and County. Women can also be met in our centre in Limerick City where their children can be looked after by our Child and Youth staff.
  • You can talk to a support worker about any worries that you have about what you are experiencing at home.
  • We can explain the options available to you.
  • What support you can get if you don’t want to leave
  • There is no pressure on you to make any decisions or take any actions.
  • We can help you think about ways to keep yourself safe if you want to stay/remain at home.
  • What support you can get if you want to leave
  • If you decide to leave, we will explain what options are available to you.
  • We provide emotional support on the impact of domestic abuse.

Our support workers are qualified and experienced. They will listen to you, provide you with information and help you to decide what you would like to do. Our support workers are non-judgemental and will work with you at your own pace.

If you would like to talk to a support worker or arrange a meeting, please phone our free 24-hour helpline on 1800 200 504

Our staff can meet you in our centre or in safe locations throughout imerick City or County that are discreet and  private.
  • This can depend on the level of support you would like. Some women like to meet weekly;
    others prefer a phone call every few weeks. The level of support is decided by you.

There is no fee for our community outreach services.

Our staff are not solicitors, social workers or psychotherapists. Our staff are experienced and trained in social care. They are also trained and experienced in the area of domestic abuse.

Our service is confidential and we do not release information without a woman’s consent. The only time we breach confidentiality (share information) is if there is a risk to a child or a serious concern for a woman’s safety.

We provide the following types of supports:

  • Emergency refuge accommodation for women and children.
  • One to one support to help understand the impact of domestic abuse and coercive control.
  • Information on domestic abuse and coercive control and what options are available to
  • Legal/court support including accompanying a woman to court.
  • Support Groups for women.
  • QQI accredited courses for women.
  • Support for children and young people.
  • Childcare is also available.

Túsla will not automatically be involved when you contact our service. However, we are mandated to report any child protection concerns. If Túsla do get involved their work with ADAPT is to support mothers and their children and respond to child protection concerns.

You can remain with our service as long as you need to or choose to.